As you get older it’s important to continue to eat healthy foods to maintain good health and it is important for your wellbeing as eating can be a very socially enjoyable experience. Over time you may find your appetite has changed or you may find it difficult to buy your groceries and prepare your meals. 

Not eating enough of the foods you need every day, can mean that you may not meet your needs for essential vitamins, minerals, fibre and macro nutrients like energy (kilojoules or calories) and protein. Protein is a key nutrient that is essential in your daily diet.  

Many parts of our body are protein based including our brain cells, muscle, skin and nails. Protein needs to be eaten daily to help cells grow and repair and to maintain muscle mass and strength. Good sources of protein include lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts and legumes.  

Fibre too is equally important as it helps with bowel regularity and can help with treating constipation. Getting older as well as lifestyle factors like a change in routine and not eating enough fibre can all contribute to constipation. 

Increasing how much fibre we consume, as well as drinking more fluids and regular exercise can all help towards maintaining good bowel health. Good sources of fibre include wholegrain cereals, fruits, vegetables and legumes.  

To maintain a healthy weight, you need to make sure you consume enough energy (kilojoules or calories) for your needs, based on your age and activity levels. We get our energy from the various foods and drinks we consume every day. 

Consuming more energy than our bodies need, means it is stored as fat. Not enough and our weight may start to decrease. If you lose weight unintentionally or that puts you below your healthy weight range, it is important to speak to your GP or dietitian. 

SPC’s brands of SPC ProVital and The Good Meal Co range of meals are great tasting, convenient and with plenty of variety available to make mealtimes enjoyable. Our tasty range of home style meals provide you with key macro nutrients like Energy and Protein, as well as vitamins, minerals and fibre; to help keep you in good health.  


  1. Protein Fact Sheet. Better Health Channel. March 2020. Available HERE
  1. Constipation Fact Sheet. Better Health Channel. Aug 2014. Available HERE 
  1. Balancing Energy in and Energy Out. Better Health Channel. April 2018. Available HERE