The “Secret Ingredient” in SPC ProVital Pear Juice for Optimal Bowel Health  

We know as we get older it’s important to continue to eat healthy foods to maintain good health and eating can be a very socially enjoyable experience for many of us. As we get older, appetite can change, and it may become increasingly difficult to buy groceries and prepare meals. 

Not eating enough of the food, you need every day, can mean that you may not meet your needs for essential vitamins, minerals, macro nutrients and fibre. Fibre is especially important as it helps with bowel regularity and stabilising blood glucose and cholesterol levels. 

Eating enough Fibre is also related to a reduced risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes. Interestingly countries with traditionally high fibre diets have lower rates of diseases such as bowel cancer, diabetes and coronary heart disease. 

Most Australians do not eat enough fibre daily, with the average intake being about 20-25g per day. The recommendation for fibre daily for adults is 30g per day for men and 25g per day for women. 

It is even more important for older Australians to consume the recommended amount as the digestive system slows down with age. Increasing how much fibre we consume, as well as drinking more fluids and regular exercise can all help towards maintaining good bowel health. 

Good sources of fibre include wholegrain cereals, fruits, vegetables and legumes. Consuming a diet low in fibre can contribute to many conditions including constipation, which is even more likely as we get older due to a number of lifestyle factors like a change in routine, reliance on regular medications and decreased activity. 

Pear Juice is also widely used for the management and treatment of constipation. The key ingredient in Pear Juice is the natural fruit sugars sorbitol and fructose. 

These sugars have an osmotic effect, meaning they draw water into the bowel and help soften the stool. The SPC ProVital Pear Juice contains these natural fruit sugars, contributing to its natural effect on laxation. It is also made from 100% Australian Fruit, with no added sugars, preservatives or added colours. 

SPC ProVital is a tasty and convenient way to add some variety to the day and combined with a high fibre diet, will help keep your digestive system healthy.   

The Importance of the antioxidant “Lycopene” in our SPC ProVital Tomato Juice  

Lycopene is an antioxidant naturally found in certain foods, including tomatoes. A diet high in antioxidants may reduce the risk of many diseases including heart disease and certain types of cancers. It has been found that eating a diet high in lycopene may reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer in men. Just another great reason to include the SPC ProVital PC Tomato Juice in your day. 

Food Safety & Accessible Packaging 

The two other key features of the SPC ProVital Portion Control Juices in both the Pear and Tomato varieties are it’s food safe appeal by being 100% Australian grown and made; as well as portioned accessible packaging for infection control and ease of opening.  

The current worldwide pandemic events have had an impact on our lifestyles that will linger for some time.  Prioritising hygiene has become a concern for Australian consumers and one that will likely become the new norm as we adapt our routines. 

During these uncertain times, consumers look for safety, reassurance and trusted brands. It is now more important than ever for the food and beverage  industry to be providing safe food choices and that support our local agricultural economy. 

SPC Global is an Australian food manufacturer with a rich history exceeding 100 years. Our leading brand portfolio including SPC®, PROVITAL®, ARDMONA® & GOULBURN VALLEY® and we are proud of our Australian heritage and are focused on supporting Australian ingredients and local manufacturing, providing high quality and safe foods and beverages.  

SPC is committed to the important role it plays in the Australian economy and manufacturing industry. Growers produce clean, green and safe ingredients that are manufactured in full compliance with Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ).

SPC’s manufacturing site in Shepparton is regularly tested and audited against the most stringent food safety and environmental standards in the world.   

SPC ProVital Juice cups have been specifically developed in collaboration with Arthritis Australia’s Accessible Design Division and aims to provide an accessible fruit juice for consumers with fine motor skill difficulties. 

This innovative package design provides an optimised seal to reduce opening force while guaranteeing food safety. The use of individually sealed portion-controlled cups is ideal for infection control management as it reduces the risk of food handling-related infection. 

It also reduces wastage associated with the use of bulk formats where you would have to individually portion out the serves.  


  1. National Health and Medical Research Council. Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand. Dietary Fibre. May 2019. Available HERE
  1. Fibre in Food Fact Sheet. Better Health Channel. March 2014. Available HERE
  1. Constipation Fact Sheet. Better Health Channel. Aug 2014. Available HERE
  1. Stumm RE, Spence Thomas M, Coombes J, Greenhill J, Hay J. Managing constipation in elderly orthopaedic patients using either pear juice or a high fibre supplement. Australian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics (2001) 58:3; 181-195.   
  1. Leading Nutrition. Nutrition Matters: Closer Look at High Fibre Diets. June 2016. Available HERE
  1. Antioxidants. Better Health Channel. 2021. Available HERE